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20. Receivables and prepayments

As at 31 December, the ageing analysis of trade receivables is as follows:

(all amounts in Euro thousands)

    Group Company
    2016 2015 2016 2015
Neither past due but not impaired   69,135 56,421 34,651 24,770
Past due nor impaired :
  <30 days 15,910 11,061 3,213 3,441
  30-60 days 7,508 5,539 1,289 2,537
  60-90 days 4,867 6,196 1,137 4,185
  90-120 days 2,477 3,907 74 1,947
  >120 days 23,569 18,832 13,708 8,176
    123,466 101,956 54,072 45,056

The above mentioned trade receivables are secured by guarantees/collaterals, amounting to €27,100 thousand (31.12.2015: €27,819 thousand) for the Group and €10,390 thousand (31.12.2015: €10,716 thousand) for the Company (note 31).

On 31 December 2016, the aforementioned guarantees/collaterals secure effective credit risk of €9,981 thousand (2015: €9,384 thousand) for the Group and €4,748 thousand (2015: €3,779 thousand) for the Company.

Trade receivables and other receivables from related parties are non-interest bearing and are normally settled on 30-170 days for the Group and the Company.

Allowance for doubtful and other debtors analysis Group Company
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Balance at 1 January 29,850 29,136 4,246 4,466
Charge for the year (note 29) 2,316 3,062 47 276
Unused amounts reversed (note 29) -2,903 -2,269 -275 -284
Utilized -905 -774 -490 -212
Reclassification from other receivables/payables 17 71 - -
Additions due to acquisitions 344 - - -
Exchange differences 2 624 - -
Balance at 31 December 28,721 29,850 3,528 4,246

The individually impaired receivables mainly relate to wholesalers, which are in unexpectedly difficult economic situation. It was assessed that a portion of the receivables is expected to be recovered.

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