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Income Statement

Group Year ended 31 December Company Year ended 31 December
Notes 2016 2015 2016 2015
Turnover 3 1,509,153 1,397,818 262,475 273,193
Cost of sales 5 -1,072,139 -1,039,425 -199,836 -202,442
Gross profit before depreciation, amortization and impairment   437,014 358,393 62,639 70,751
Other income 4 8,972 9,508 15,470 16,651
Administrative expenses 5 -122,108 -114,169 -43,276 -37,048
Selling and marketing expenses 5 -21,628 -21,236 -271 -128
Other expenses 4 -23,651 -16,074 -4,476 -6,458
Profit before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and impairment   278,599 216,422 30,086 43,768
Depreciation and amortization related to cost of sales 11, 13, 27 -109,421 -107,442 -13,572 -12,285
Depreciation and amortization related to administrative and selling expenses 11, 13, 27 -6,872 -6,208 -1,181 -1,256
Impairment of tangible and intangible assets related to cost of sales 11, 13 -10,814 -17,045 - -
Profit before interest and taxes   151,492 85,727 15,333 30,227
Income from participations and investments   1,926 1,565 29,379 55,246
Losses from participations and investments   - -2,805 - -
Finance income 6.i 2,900 1,767 24 52
Finance expense 6.ii -67,303 -67,360 -22,333 -23,383
(Losses)/gains from foreign exchange differences 6.iii -25,982 17,435 303 1,477
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures 15 492 5,815 - -
Profit before taxes   63,525 42,144 22,706 63,619
Plus/(less): Income tax 8 63,805 -6,848 -5,887 -3,477
Profit after taxes   127,330 35,296 16,819 60,142
Attributable to:  
Equity holders of the parent 127,444 33,754
Non-controlling interests -114 1,542
127,330 35,296
Basic earnings per share (in €) 9 1,5612 0,4126
Diluted earnings per share (in €) 9 1,5521 0,4103