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11. Property, plant and equipment


(all amounts in Euro thousands)

  Land Quarries Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
Year ended 31 December 2015
Opening balance 283,070 127,016 209,968 917,694 31,995 10,483 94,611 1,674,837
Additions 2,465 2,885 413 4,266 236 511 149,571 160,347
Disposals (NBV) (note 29) -37 -661 -298 -1,018 -511 -39 -602 -3,166
Reclassification of assets from/to other PPE categories 6,649 5,636 9,173 70,001 20,972 1,572 -111,774 2,229
Transfers from inventories (note 19) - 3,164 - 334 - - - 3,498
Transfers from other non-current assets - 723 - - - - - 723
Reclassification of assets from/to intangible assets (note 13) - 107 - - - - -1,367 -1,260
Transfers to government grants (note 27) - - -231 - - - - -231
Depreciation charge (note 29) -3,335 -5,664 -11,694 -71,741 -9,485 -2,325 - -104,244
Impairment of PPE (note 29) -3,999 -185 - -458 - - -8,413 -13,055
Exchange differences 16,609 12,040 5,531 32,854 2,005 159 5,432 74,630
Ending balance 301,422 145,061 212,862 951,932 45,212 10,361 127,458 1,794,308
  Land Quarries Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
Leased assets under finance leases
Opening balance - - - 603 1,506 - - 2,109
Additions - - - - 12,087 - - 12,087
Reclassification of assets to other PPE categories - - - -378 -1,851 - - -2,229
Depreciation charge (note 29) - - - -60 -867 - - -927
Exchange differences - - - 18 354 - - 372
Ending balance - - - 183 11,229 - - 11,412
  Land Quarries Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
At 31 December 2015
Cost 338,441 187,146 407,420 1,807,292 233,314 58,702 135,862 3,168,177
Accumulated depreciation -33,023 -42,085 -194,324 -854,587 -176,873 -48,341 - -1,349,233
Accumulated losses of impairment of PPE -3,996 - -3 -821 - - -8,404 -13,224
Net book value 301,422 145,061 213,093 951,884 56,441 10,361 127,458 1,805,720
Pages: 1234