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Cash Flow Statement

(all amounts in Euro thousands) Group Year ended 31 December Company Year ended 31 December
Notes 2016 2015 2016 2015
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations 29 275,283 237,641 41,840 29,357
Income tax paid -6,065 -18,128 -326 -798
Net cash generated from operating activities (a) 269,218 219,513 41,514 28,559
Cash flows from investing activities
Payments for property, plant and equipment 11, 12 -148,294 -172,465 -20,115 -16,420
Payments for intangible assets 13 -2,262 -1,011 -1,080 -224
Proceeds from sale of PPE, intangible assets and investment property 29 1,024 1,305 220 356
Proceeds from dividends 5,266 2,218 28,579 55,012
Payments for acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired 30 -11,781 - - -
Payments for investing in associates and joint ventures -84,953 -400 - -
Share capital (increase)/decrease in subsidiaries - - -18,000 1,180
Share capital increase in associates and joint ventures -2,234 - - -
Net proceeds/(payments) from the sale/(acquisition) of available-for-sale financial assets 2,128 -1,836 2,128 -1,836
Interest received 1,059 1,767 24 52
Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities (b) -240,047 -170,422 -8,244 38,120
Net cash flows after investing activities (a)+(b) 29,171 49,091 33,270 66,679
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from non-controlling interest's participation in subsidiary's establishment - 35 - -
Payments for shares bought back 22 -25,193 - -25,193 -
Proceeds from sale of treasury shares 22 436 638 436 638
Proceeds from government grants - 227 - -
Interest paid -64,713 -56,318 -23,774 -22,441
Dividends written-off and paid to the Greek State -24 -36 -24 -36
Dividends & reserves paid to shareholders -25,243 -25,316 -25,243 -25,316>
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests -5,281 -5,635 - -
Acquisition of non-controlling interests - -10,591 - -
Proceeds from borrowings 674,505 396,812 220,601 93,421
Payments of borrowings -511,820 -370,366 -177,906 -121,862
Net cash flows from/(used in) financing activities (c ) 42,667 -70,550 -31,103 -75,596
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (a)+(b)+(c) 71,838 -21,459 2,167 -8,917
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 21 121,733 142,946 8,626 16,971
Effects of exchange rate changes -13,861 246 425 572
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 21 179,710 121,733 11,218 8,626