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20. Receivables and prepayments

(all amounts in Euro thousands)

Group Company
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Trade receivables 123,175 119,711 28,657 28,931
Cheques receivables 27,190 9,608 11,041 4,700
Trade receivables from related parties (note 32) - - 16,568 13,776
Allowance for doubtful debtors -26,899 -27,363 -2,194 -2,351
Total trade receivables 123,466 101,956 54,072 45,056
Creditors advances 11,337 7,038 139 150
Income tax receivables 1,227 2,389 382 285
V,A,T, and other tax receivables 7,126 11,308 2,519 6,078
Prepayments and other receivables 54,759 46,909 10,472 10,122
Other receivables from related parties (note 32) 15 35 9,642 8,591
Allowance for doubtful debtors -1,822 -2,487 -1,334 -1,895
Total other receivables 72,642 65,192 21,820 23,331
  196,108 167,148 75,892 68,387
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