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26. Provisions

(all amounts in Euro thousands)


  1 January 2016 Charge for the year Unused amounts reversed Unwinding of discount Utilized Exchange differences 31 December 2016
Provisions for restoration of quarries a 16,155 2,072 -1,613 265 -38 350 17,191
Provisions for other taxes b 2,830 249 -72 - -250 -973 1,784
Litigation provisions c 1,421 172 - - -40 -498 1,055
Other provisions d 7,410 7,709 -4,971 3 -68 -464 9,619
    27,816 10,202 -6,656 268 -396 -1,585 29,649
    1 January 2015 Charge for the year Unused amounts reversed Unwinding of discount Utilized Exchange differences 31 December 2015
Provisions for restoration of quarries a 13,585 3,077 -1,340 274 -97 656 16,155
Provisions for other taxes b 802 2,153 - - -176 51 2,830
Litigation provisions c 917 497 - - -10 17 1,421
Other provisions d 4,754 7,066 -4,376 3 -68 31 7,410
    20,058 12,793 -5,716 277 -351 755 27,816
    2016 2015          
Non-current provisions   22,498 21,481          
Current provisions   7,151 6,335          
    29,649 27,816        


  1 January 2016 Charge for the year Unused amounts reversed Unwinding of discount Utilized 31 December 2016
Provisions for restoration of quarries a 2,119 319 - 40 -45 2,433
Litigation provisions c - 132 - - - 132
Other provisions d 5,785 6,796 -100 3 -4,736 7,748
    7,904 7,247 -100 43 -4,781 10,313
    1 January 2015 Charge for the year Unused amounts reversed Unwinding of discount Utilized 31 December 2015
Provisions for restoration of quarries a 2,153 73 -87 37 -57 2,119
Other provisions d 3,750 4,800 -12 3 -2,756 5,785
    5,903 4,873 -99 40 -2,813 7,904
    2016 2015        
Non-current provisions   4,215 2,221        
Current provisions   6,098 5,683        
    10,313 7,904      

a. This provision represents the present value of the estimated costs to rehabilitate quarry sites and other similar post-closure obligations. It is expected that this amount will be used over the next 1 to 50 years.

b. This provision relates to future obligations that may result from tax audits for other taxes. It is expected that this amount will be fully utilized in the next five years.

c. This provision has been established with respect to claims made against certain companies in the Group by third parties, mainly against the subsidiaries in Egypt. These claims concern labour compensations, labour cases for previous years' benefits and dues and claims for shares revaluation. It is expected that this amount will be utilized mainly in the next twelve months.

d. The other provisions are comprised of amounts relating to risks none of which are individually material to the Group. The Company's existing carrying amount includes, among others, the provision for staff bonuses. It is expected that the remaining amounts will be used over the next 1 to 20 years.