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3. Operating segment information

For management information purposes, the Group is structured in four operating segments: Greece and Western Europe, North America, South Eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean. Each operating segment is a set of countries. The aggregation of countries is based mostly on geographic position.

Each region has a regional Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who reports to the Group's CEO. In addition, the Group's finance department is organized by region for effective financial control and performance monitoring.

Management monitors the operating results of its business units separately for the purpose of making decisions, allocating resources and assessing performance. Segment performance is evaluated based on Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization & impairment.

Information by operating segment

For the year ended 31 December 2016
(all amounts in Euro thousands) Western Europe North America South Eastern Europe Eastern Mediterranean Total
Gross revenue 327,726 794,575 204,610 249,201 1,576,112
Inter-segment revenue -66,400 -223 -336 - -66,959
Revenue from external customers 261,326 794,352 204,274 249,201 1,509,153
Profit before interest, taxes, depreciation,
amortization and impairment
36,366 145,174 56,215 40,844 278,599
Depreciation, amortization and impairment of tangible and intangible assets -27,990 -55,913 -25,446 -17,758 -127,107
Profit before interest and taxes 8,378 89,260 30,769 23,085 151,492
(all amounts in Euro thousands) Western Europe North America South Eastern Europe Eastern Mediterranean Total
Property, plant & equipment 304,544 686,354 308,612 273,725 1,573,235
Intangible assets and goodwill 23,392 223,843 63,458 64,423 375,116
Other non-current assets 121,479 31,894 8,649 54,661 216,683
Current assets 217,362 216,450 108,330 82,601 624,743
Total Assets 666,777 1,158,541 489,049 475,410 2,789,777
Non-current liabilities 189,664 380,638 95,361 164,310 829,973
Current liabilities 127,004 140,672 49,827 89,485 406,988
Total Liabilities 316,668 521,310 145,188 253,795 1,236,961
(all amounts in Euro thousands) Western Europe North America South Eastern Europe Eastern Mediterranean Total
Capital expenditures (note 11,12,13) 24,608 78,458 16,240 31,250 150,556
Impairment of property, plant and equipment (note 11) -5,162 - - - -5,162
Impairment of intangible assets-excluding goodwill (note 13) -376 - - - -376
Allowance/(reversal of allowance) for doubtful debtors (note 20) -917 -433 487 276 -587
Investment in associates & joint ventures (note 15) 108,585 4,321 3,551 54,346 170,803
Defined benefit assets (note 17, 25) - 4,364 - - 4,364

Capital expenditures consist of additions of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and investment property.

Impairment charges are included in the income statement.

Turnover consists of the sale of goods and services. There are sales between operating segments. Total assets and capital expenditures are presented in the operating segment of the company that owns the assets.

The transactions between segments are performed as described in note 32.

Pages: 123