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4. Other income and expenses

Group Company
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Scrap sales 901 1,136 338 489
Compensation income 301 398 - -
Income from subsidies 198 137 198 137
Income from services 2,460 1,434 762 1,615
Rental income 2,662 1,628 1,265 1,213
Gains on disposal of PPE, intangible assets and investment property (note 29) - - 63 140
Income from administrative services to subsidiaries - - 12,217 12,098
Exceptional items 441 3,675 - -
Various recurrent taxes - fees 895 - - -
Other income 1,114 1,100 627 959
Other income total 8,972 9,508 15,470 16,651
Other provisions -4,362 -5,659 -903 219
Losses on disposal of PPE, intangible assets and investment property (note 29) -3,337 -2,166 -11 -
Fair value loss from investment property (note 12) -243 -300 -335 -286
Staff leaving indemnities -3,067 -1,245 -1,416 -1,296
Restructuring cost -6,749 -5,068 - -3,504
Exceptional items -1,229 - - -
Various recurrent taxes - fees -1,470 - - -
Other expenses -3,194 -1,636 -1,811 -1,591
Other expenses total -23,651 -16,074 -4,476 -6,458

For the year ended 31.12.2016

The exceptional items-income represents compensation that Titan America LLC in USA received under the BP Oil Spill Claim Program for companies affected by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.

The exceptional items-expenses are related to expenditures made due to a scaffold collapse during scheduled maintenance in the Group's Pennsuco cement plant, Florida USA.

The restructuring costs include voluntary retirement incentive programs in all Group operating segments.

For the year ended 31.12.2015

The exceptional items-income are comprised mainly of insurance proceeds related to the collapse of a concrete silo roof at the Group's Pennsuco cement plant, Florida USA, in 2012. 

The restructuring costs include: a) provision of obsolete inventory amounting to €3,504 thousand of an abandoned plant in Greece and b) additional personal allowance amounting to €1,564 thousand from the voluntary retirement program of a Group subsidiary in Southeast Europe.