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18. Deferred income taxes

The movement in deferred tax assets and liabilities (prior to offsetting balances within the same tax jurisdiction) during the year is as follows:

(all amounts in Euro thousands)


1 January 2016 Debit/(Credit) to net profit Debit/(Credit) to equity through statement OCI 31 December 2016
Deferred tax liabilities (before set - offs)
Property, plant and equipment 35,055 -2,488 - 32,567
Intangible assets 127 -75 - 52
Provisions 1,800 - - 1,800
Trade and other payables 416 216 - 632
Long term borrowings 31 -31 - -
Available for sale financial assets 40 - -40 -
Cash and cash equivalents - 131 - 131
  37,469 -2,247 -40 35,182
Deferred tax assets (before set - offs)
Investments & other non-current receivables -2,979 - - -2,979
Inventories -2,549 -66 - -2,615
Receivables and prepayments -1,144 -440 - -1,584
Government grants and other non current liabilities -1,186 63 - -1,123
Provisions and accrued expenses -2,292 -745 - -3,037
Post-employment and termination benefits -3,794 -209 -599 -4,602
Trade and other payables - - - -
Interest expense tax carried forward -2,094 1,872 - -222
Tax losses carried forward (note 8) -13,913 7,331 - -6,582
-29,951 7,806 -599 -22,744
Net deferred tax liability 7,518 5,559 -639 12,438

The movement in deferred tax assets and liabilities (prior to offsetting balances within the same tax jurisdiction) during the prior year is as follows:

(all amounts in Euro thousands)

1 January 2015 Debit/(Credit) to net profit Debit/(Credit) to equity through statement OCI 31 December 2015
Deferred tax liabilities (before set - offs)
Property, plant and equipment 32,421 2,381 253 35,055
Intangible assets 135 -8 - 127
Receivables and prepayments 72 -72 - -
Provisions 1,800 - - 1,800
Trade and other payables 54 362 - 416
Long term borrowings - 31 - 31
Available for sale financial assets - - 40 40
  34,482 2,694 293 37,469
Deferred tax assets (before set - offs)
Investments & other non-current receivables -2,671 -308 - -2,979
Inventories -168 -2,381 - -2,549
Receivables and prepayments -769 -375 - -1,144
Government grants -1,114 -72 - -1,186
Provisions and accrued expenses -596 -1,696 - -2,292
Post-employment and termination benefits -3,647 -751 604 -3,794
Trade and other payables -85 85 - -
Interest expense tax carried forward -5,705 3,611 - -2,094
Tax losses carried forward (note 8) -16,362 2,449 - -13,913
  -31,117 562 604 -29,951
Net deferred tax liability 3,365 3,256 897 7,518
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