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18. Deferred income taxes

The movement in deferred tax assets and liabilities (prior to offsetting balances within the same tax jurisdiction) during the prior year is as follows:

(all amounts in Euro thousands)

Group 1 January 2015 Debit/(Credit) to net profit Debit/(Credit) to equity through statement OCI Deferred tax adjustment due to change in income tax rates Exchange differences 31 December 2015
Deferred tax liabilities (before set - offs)
Property, plant and equipment 228,010 -3,752 253 -20,058 8,264 212,717
Mineral deposits 29,476 718 - -1,902 5,296 33,588
Intangible assets 44,914 607 - - 1,851 47,372
Unrealized foreign exchange differences 5,010 3,564 - - 575 9,149
Provisions 1,456 -3 - - 1 1,454
Long term borrowings - 31 - - - 31
Investments 1,817 730 - - 209 2,756
Receivables and prepayments 444 -72 - - -21 351
Trade and other payables 54 363 - - - 417
Available for sale financial assets - - 40 - - 40
Prepaid expenses 1,099 142 - - 126 1,367
Cash and cash equivalents - - - - - -
Other 1,936 - - - 12 1,948
  314,216 2,328 293 -21,960 16,313 311,190
Deferred tax assets (before set - offs)
Intangible assets -11,619 2,420 - - -1,335 -10,534
Investments & other non-current receivables -3,551 51 - - - -3,500
Inventories -1,733 -2,358 - - -78 -4,169
Post-employment and termination benefits -9,590 -1,202 1,093 - -526 -10,225
Receivables and prepayments -6,019 -2,585 - - 252 -8,352
Tax losses carried forward (note 8) -78,291 9,476 - - -5,331 -74,146
Interest expense tax carried forward -5,705 -7,642 - - 11 -13,336
Deferred income -3,060 2,477 - - -355 -938
Lease obligations - -4,946 - - 5 -4,941
Government grants and other non current liabilities -1,114 -72 - - - -1,186
Provisions and accrued expenses -11,074 -4,321 - - -1,235 -16,630
Trade and other payables -113 88 - - - -25
Other -779 608 - - -57 -228
-132,648 -8,006 1,093 - -8,649 -148,210
Net deferred tax liability 181,568 -5,678 1,386 -21,960 7,664 162,980
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