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18. Deferred income taxes

The movement in the deferred income tax account after set-offs is as follows:

(all amounts in Euro thousands) Group Company
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Opening balance, net deferred liability 162,980 181,568 7,518 3,365
Income statement charge (note 8) -71,869 -5,678 5,559 3,166
Tax charged to equity through other comprehensive income -9,704 1,386 -639 897
Deferred tax adjustment due to change in income tax rates - -21,960 - 90
Additions due to acquisition of joint venture (note 30) 1,605 - - -
Fair value adjustments due to joint venture acquisition (note 30) 2,062 - - -
Exchange differences -49,448 7,664 - -
Ending balance, net deferred liability 35,626 162,980 12,438 7,518

(all amounts in Euro thousands) Group Company
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Analysis of deferred tax liabilities (before set - offs)
Property, plant and equipment 167,061 212,717 32,568 35,055
Mineral deposits 33,866 33,588 - -
Intangible assets 47,461 47,372 52 127
Unrealized foreign exchange differences -62 9,149 - -
Provisions 1,455 1,454 1,800 1,800
Long term borrowings - 31 - 31
Investments 1,392 2,756 - -
Receivables and prepayments 351 351 - -
Trade and other payables 635 417 631 416
Available for sale financial assets - 40 - 40
Prepaid expenses 1,476 1,367 - -
Cash and cash equivalents 131 - 131 -
Other 1,471 1,948 - -
  255,237 311,190 35,182 37,469
Analysis of deferred tax assets (before set - offs)
Intangible assets -8,125 -10,534 - -
Investments & other non-current receivables -3,598 -3,500 -2,979 -2,979
Inventories -4,213 -4,169 -2,615 -2,549
Post-employment and termination benefits -10,133 -10,225 -4,602 -3,794
Receivables and prepayments -8,364 -8,352 -1,584 -1,144
Tax losses carried forward (note 8) -156,206 -74,146 -6,582 -13,913
Interest expense tax carried forward -222 -13,336 -222 -2,094
Deferred income -1,280 -938 - -
Lease obligations -7,070 -4,941 - -
Government grants and other non current liabilities -1,123 -1,186 -1,123 -1,186
Provisions and accrued expenses -19,007 -16,630 -3,037 -2,292
Trade and other payables -8 -25 - -
Other -262 -228 - -
  -219,611 -148,210 -22,744 -29,951
Net deferred tax liability 35,626 162,980 12,438 7,518

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred income taxes relate to the same fiscal authority.

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