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15. Investments in associates, joint ventures and subsidiaries

On 31 December 2016, the non-controlling interest of the Group is €76,465 thousand (31.12.2015: €118,391 thousand), of which €43,345 thousand (31.12.2015: €91,710 thousand) is for Alexandria Development Co Ltd and its subsidiaries and €26,928 thousand (31.12.2015: €26,625 thousand) is attributed to Titan Cement Cyprus Limited and its subsidiaries. The remaining non-controlling interest is not material.

The following table summarizes the financial information of subsidiaries, in which the non-controlling interests held significant portion (note 14).

(all amounts in Euro thousands) Alexandria Development Co.Ltd -Consolidated * Titan Cement Cyprus Limited - Consolidated *
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Summarized statement of financial position as at 31 December  
Non-current assets 414,064 805,491 115,140 116,270
Current assets 73,474 119,614 63,528 62,934
Total assets 487,538 925,105 178,668 179,204
Non-current liabilities 148,293 227,419 4,029 4,146
Current liabilities 94,333 169,203 16,923 18,305
Total liabilities 242,626 396,622 20,952 22,451
Equity 244,912 528,483 157,716 156,753
Attributable to:  
Equity holders of the parent 201,567 436,773 130,788 130,128
Non-controlling interests 43,345 91,710 26,928 26,625
Summarized income statement and statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 December  
Turnover 244,341 240,749 134,101 127,850
(Loss)/profit after taxes -21,018 -16,673 26,105 21,663
Other comprehensive (losses)/income for the year -252,395 5,951 -374 -273
Total comprehensive (losses)/income for the year net of tax -273,413 -10,722 25,731 21,390
Total comprehensive (losses)/income attributable to non-controlling interests -48,660 -1,893 4,069 4,031
Dividends distributed to non-controlling interest 644 4,481 3,856 4,675
Summarized cash flow information for the year ended 31 December  
Cash flows from operating activities 45,539 30,540 39,270 36,064
Cash flows from investing activities -29,579 -53,768 -9,087 -5,762
Cash flows from financing activities -9,330 23,513 -28,889 -26,930
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 6,630 285 1,294 3,372
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 17,796 17,159 29,555 26,139
Effects of exchange rate changes -13,380 352 -28 44
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 11,046 17,796 30,821 29,555

* Consolidated figures before elimination with the broader Group

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