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11. Property, plant and equipment


(all amounts in Euro thousands)

  Quarries Land Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
Year ended 31 December 2015
Opening balance 873 4,048 53,933 153,030 750 7,206 16,292 236,132
Additions - 241 250 2,767 97 393 12,672 16,420
Disposals (NBV) (note 29) - - - -6 -36 -13 - -55
Reclassification of assets from/to other PPE categories - - 527 9,418 - - -9,945 -
Reclassification of assets to intangible assets (note 13) - - - - - - -1,354 -1,354
Transfers to government grants (note 27) - - -231 - - - - -231
Depreciation charge (note 29) -63 - -2,270 -10,041 -155 -959 - -13,488
Reversal of impairment of PPE due to disposal (note 29) - - -3 3 - - - -
Ending balance 810 4,289 52,206 155,171 656 6,627 17,665 237,424
  Land Quarries Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
At 31 December 2015
Cost 1,656 4,289 97,256 328,898 3,419 26,693 17,665 479,876
Accumulated depreciation -846 - -45,047 -173,241 -2,763 -20,066 - -241,963
Accumulated losses of impairment of PPE - - -3 -486 - - - -489
Net book value 810 4,289 52,206 155,171 656 6,627 17,665 237,424
  Land Quarries Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
Year ended 31 December 2016
Opening balance 810 4,289 52,206 155,171 656 6,627 17,665 237,424
Additions - 411 290 8,385 474 444 10,111 20,115
Disposals/write-offs (NBV) (note 29) - -5 - - -12 -33 - -50
Reclassification of assets from/to other PPE categories - - 2,259 11,340 - 509 -14,108 -
Reclassification of assets to intangible assets (note 13) - - - - - - -60 -60
Depreciation charge (note 29) -63 - -2,292 -11,221 -165 -958 - -14,699
Provisions for restoration - - - 47 - - - 47
Ending balance 747 4,695 52,463 163,722 953 6,589 13,608 242,777
  Land Quarries Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
At 31 December 2016
Cost 1,656 4,695 99,805 348,671 3,740 27,534 13,608 499,709
Accumulated depreciation -909 - -47,339 -184,463 -2,787 -20,945 - -256,443
Accumulated losses of impairment of PPE - - -3 -486 - - - -489
Net book value 747 4,695 52,463 163,722 953 6,589 13,608 242,777
Pages: 1234