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11. Property, plant and equipment


(all amounts in Euro thousands)

  Land Quarries Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
Year ended 31 December 2016
Opening balance 301,422 145,061 212,862 951,932 45,212 10,361 127,458 1,794,308
Additions 416 5,575 421 6,014 750 691 127,423 141,290
Fair value adjustments due to joint venture acquisition (note 30) 3,242 - 4,399 5,099 - - - 12,740
Additions due to acquisition of joint venture (note 30) 1,585 - 1,562 10,113 - 33 87 13,380
Disposals (NBV) (note 29) -56 - -169 -2,587 -172 -26 -1,194 -4,204
Reclassification of assets from/to other PPE categories 309 2,680 13,073 81,640 13,499 1,683 -114,643 -1,759
Transfers from inventories (note 19) - - - 667 24 - - 691
Transfer to investment property after revaluation (note 12) -11 - - - - - - -11
Transfers from/to other accounts - - - 47 - - -39 8
Reclassification of assets to intangible assets (note 13) - - - - - -17 -3,083 -3,100
Depreciation charge (note 29) -3,433 -7,568 -11,550 -72,390 -8,983 -2,474 - -106,398
Impairment of PPE (note 29) - - -738 -3,502 - -7 -915 -5,162
Exchange differences -53,053 2,790 -35,704 -173,517 324 -354 -26,800 -286,314
Ending balance 250,421 148,538 184,156 803,516 50,654 9,890 108,294 1,555,469
  Land Quarries Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
Leased assets under finance leases
Opening balance - - - 183 11,229 - - 11,412
Additions - - - 91 6,913 - - 7,004
Reclassification of assets to other PPE categories - - - - 1,759 - - 1,759
Depreciation charge (note 29) - - - -58 -3,094 - - -3,152
Exchange differences - - - -19 762 - - 743
Ending balance - - - 197 17,569 - - 17,766
  Land Quarries Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
At 31 December 2016
Cost 289,445 221,782 381,369 1,694,682 242,693 57,514 109,210 2,996,695
Accumulated depreciation -37,127 -73,244 -196,457 -886,982 -174,470 -47,617 - -1,415,897
Accumulated losses of impairment of PPE -1,897 - -756 -3,987 - -7 -916 -7,563
Net book value 250,421 148,538 184,156 803,713 68,223 9,890 108,294 1,573,235
Pages: 1234