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3. Operating segment information

Information by operating segment

For the year ended 31 December 2015
(all amounts in Euro thousands) Western Europe North America South Eastern Europe Eastern Mediterranean Total
Capital expenditures (note 11,12,13) 17.812 91.819 13.826 50.019 173.476
Impairment of property, plant and equipment (note 11) - -12.548 - -507 -13.055
Impairment of Goodwill (note 13) -3.990 - - - -3.990
Allowance/(reversal of allowance) for doubtful debtors (note 20) 176 -89 411 295 793
Investment in associates & joint ventures (note 15) 398 5.047 3.069 73.994 82.508
Defined benefit assets (note 17, 25) - 4.578 - - 4.578

Capital expenditures consist of additions of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and investment properties. Impairment charges are included in the income statement.

Impairment charges are included in the income statement.

Information by business activities

For the year ended 31 December 2015
(all amounts in Euro thousands) Cement Ready mix concrete, aggregates and blocks Other Total
Turnover 886,198 507,626 3,994 1,397,818

Reconciliation of profit

Finance income and costs, and fair value gains and losses on financial assets are not allocated to indicidual segments as the underlying instruments are managed on a Group basis.

(all amounts in Euro thousands) 2016 2015
Profit before interest and taxes 151,492 85,727
Income from participations and investments 1,926 1,565
Losses from participations and investments - -2,805
Finance income 2,900 1,767
Finance expense -67,303 -67,360
(Losses)/gains from foreign exchange differences -25,982 17,435
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures 492 5,815
Profit before taxes 63,525 42,144
Pages: 123