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31. Contingencies and commitments


Capital commitments

Capital commitments contracted for at the balance sheet date but not recognized in the financial statements are as follows:

(all amounts in Euro thousands) Group Company
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Property, plant and equipment 702 1,616 - -

Purchase commitments

Energy supply contracts (Gas, electricity, etc.)

(all amounts in Euro thousands) Group Company
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Not later than 1 year 600 81,481 - -
Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years - 402,808 - -
Beyond 5 years - 368,486 - -
  600 852,774 - -

The Group's subsidiaries in Egypt had entered into agreements for the purchases of certain minimum quantities of gas in the subsequent years. As of 2014, the state company of natural gas in Egypt does not supply gas, due to lack of reserves. In the last two years, the Group's subsidiaries had no obligation to pay and they did not pay the agreed minimum quantities. There is no indication that the gas supplier will have the capacity to supply gas in the foreseeable future.

Also, the Group's US subsidiaries have entered a contract to purchase raw materials and manufacturing supplies as part of their on-going operations in Florida. This includes a contract to buy construction aggregates through a multi-year agreement at prevailing market prices.

Operating lease commitments - where a Group company is the lessee

The Group leases motor vehicles, properties and other equipment under non-cancellable operating lease agreements. The leases have varying terms, escalation clauses and renewal rights.

(all amounts in Euro thousands) Group Company
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Not later than 1 year 9,517 11,760 672 594
Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years 25,040 27,916 1,367 1,111
Beyond 5 years 7,864 10,322 - -
  42,421 49,998 2,039 1,705
Pages: 123