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25. Retirement and termination benefit obligations

(all amounts in Euro thousands)


Group Company
1,0% increase 1,0% decrease 1,0% increase 1,0% decrease
  Year ended 31 December 2016
Impact on the net defined benefit obligation:  
Discount rate -3,366 3,996 -1,557 1,845
Salary 2,171 -1,873 1,820 -1,567
Health care costs -96 111 - -
Impact on the current service costs:  
Discount rate -30 35 -86 108
Salary 147 -122 113 -91
Healthcare costs 6 -5 - -
  Year ended 31 December 2015
Impact on the net defined benefit obligation:  
Discount rate -3,229 3,853 -1,334 1,588
Salary 1,873 -1,609 1,569 -1,345
Health care costs -152 179 - -
Impact on the current service costs:  
Discount rate -12 29 -119 146
Salary 131 -107 150 -124
Healthcare costs 8 -7 - -

The sensitivity analyses above have been determined based on a method that extrapolates the impact on net defined benefit obligation as a result of reasonable changes in key assumptions occurring at the end of the reporting period.

The following payments are expected payments to be made in the future years out of the defined benefit plan obligation:

  Group Company
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Not later than 1 years 2,821 2,992 1,428 1,516
Later than 1 years and not later than 5 years 7,441 7,037 1,868 1,585
Later than 5 years and not later than 10 years 11,767 11,217 4,777 4,178
Beyond 10 years 33,521 32,562 11,145 9,263
Total expected payments 55,550 53,808 19,218 16,542

The components of re-measurement (gains)/losses recognized immediately in the other comprehensive income for the years ended 31 December 2016 and 2015 are as follows:

  Group Company
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Due to experience -619 -231 41 316
Due to assumptions (financial) 2,635 -2,710 2,026 -1,917
Due to assumptions (demographic) -308 -146 - -
Re-measurement losses/(gains) on DBO 1,708 -3,087 2,067 -1,601
Re-measurement (gains)/losses on plan assets -230 336 - -
Re-measurement losses/(gains) for the period 1,478 -2,751 2,067 -1,601
Pages: 123