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13. Intangible assets and Goodwill

(all amounts in Euro thousands)


Initial goodwill Goodwill impairment Total goodwill Licences Development expenditure Trade-marks Customer relation-ships Other intangible assets Total
Balance at 1 January 2015 363,734 -6,226 357,508 21,663 368 26,507 29,719 6,379 442,144
Additions - - - 152 54 - - 805 1,011
Disposals (NBV) - - - - - - - -144 -144
Reclassification of assets to/from property, plant & equipment (note 11) - - - - -107 - - 1,367 1,260
Impairment (note 29) - -3,990 -3,990 - - - - - -3,990
Amortization charge (note 29) - - - -561 - -1,741 -4,604 -1,867 -8,773
Exchange differences 22,888 - 22,888 185 -1 1,537 416 -191 24,834
Balance at 31 December 2015 386,622 -10,216 376,406 21,439 314 26,303 25,531 6,349 456,342
Balance at 1 January 2016 386,622 -10,216 376,406 21,439 314 26,303 25,531 6,349 456,342
Additions - - - 305 - - - 1,957 2,262
Disposals (NBV) - - - - - -80 - - -80
Additions due to acquisition 86 - 86 - - - - - 86
Other reclassifications - - - 91 - - - - 91
Reclassification of assets from/to other intangible assets categories - - - -119 - - - 119 -
Reclassification of assets from property, plant & equipment (note 11) - - - - - - 2,043 1,057 3,100
Impairment (note 29) - -5,276 -5,276 - - - - -376 -5,652
Amortization charge (note 29) - - - -553 - -1,465 -4,182 -834 -7,034
Exchange differences -52,280 - -52,280 -4,215 1 -5,297 -11,280 -928 -73,999
Balance at 31 December 2016 334,428 -15,492 318,936 16,948 315 19,461 12,112 7,344 375,116

Other intangible assets include mainly computer software.

(all amounts in Euro thousands)


Trade-marks Other intangible assets Total
Balance at 1 January 2015 81 2,228 2,309
Additions - 224 224
Reclassification of assets from property, plant & equipment (note 11) - 1,354 1,354
Amortization charge (note 29) - -275 -275
Balance at 31 December 2015 81 3,531 3,612
Balance at 1 January 2016 81 3,531 3,612
Additions - 1,080 1,080
Disposals (NBV) -80 -38 -118
Reclassification of assets from property, plant & equipment (note 11) - 60 60
Other reclassifications - 91 91
Amortization charge (note 29) - -267 -267
Balance at 31 December 2016 1 4,457 4,458

Impairment charges are included in the Income Statement.

Pages: 123